DOSH Guideline Compliance First Aid Kit

Box Dimension

Metal casing – M1103

51cm (L) x 39.5cm (H) x 13cm (W)

10 – 50 PEOPLE


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DESCRIPTION     Quantity
1 Sterile Cotton Ball 10pcs/pkt 6
2 Finger Dressing No.7 12
3 Lint Dressing No.8 6
4 Lint Dressing No.9 6
5 Wound Dressing No. 15 10
6 Wound Dressing No. 16 4
7 Crepe Bandage 5cm x 4m 6
8 Crepe Bandage 7.5cm x 4m 6
9 PBT Elastic Bandage 5cm x 3m 1
10 Triangular Bandage 92cm x 92cm x 130cm 10
11 Gauze Bandage 5cm x 4m 9
12 Gauze Bandage 7.5cm x 4m 9
13 Adhesive Plaster 19mm x 76mm 20
14 Surgical Tape 2.5cm x 9m 2
15 Alcohol Swab 8
16 Eye Glo 10ml 2
17 Sterile Eye Pad 1
18 Acriflavine Solution 30ml 1
19 Wooden Splint 1
20 Safety Pins 10pcs/hank 2
21 Small Scissors 1
22 Latex Gloves 12
23 CPR Mask (Disposable) 1
24 Biohazard Plastic 2
25 First Aid Booklet 1
26 Content List 1
27 Box 1

Total 141 pcs

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